Wednesday, 4 November 2015

‘Children for Children’ - Project

‘Children for Children’

Life is a reciprocal exchange. To move forward, we have to give back. – Oprah Winfrey

Dear Parent,
Thank you very much for your consistent cooperation in the value-inclusion education system which is implemented in Pragathi School. As an extension to “Joy of Giving”, we take immense pleasure in introducing a Value- Education Project “Children for Children”, keeping the upcoming “Children’s Day” in mind. We request each child to contribute a small amount strictly from their pocket moneyMinimum amount - Rs.10 and Maximum amount - Rs.100/- towards fundraising to facilitate audio-visual equipment for the government school children in Pragathinagar which we have been supporting over the last few years. Our aim is to make learning more enjoyable for the children there.

If the proceeds from the activity permit it, we also aspire to facilitate audio-visual equipment for the open-school children that our school Management has been educating and supporting through People’s Progress Trust over the last three years. We strongly believe that children can understand the needs of children the most. The contribution is optional. The amount is to be handed-over to the respective class teachers on or before 09/11/15.

Many parents are aware that every Children’s Day is also observed as “Dignity of Labour Day” when the support staff (Ayahs, Drivers and others) are felicitated and thanked for their services. All teachers and the Management contribute under ‘Staff for Staff’ initiative. Every teacher contributes money to enable a delicious lunch, games for support staff and gifts for every member besides prizes for the winners of various games.

Team Pragathi is striving towards training children on essential Values and Life Skills. We thank parents for supporting this initiative.

Let us not stop doing little things for others. Sometimes these little things occupy the biggest part of their lives.



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